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Top 5 books about trauma recovery, chosen by Lech Blaine

Top 5 books about trauma recovery, chosen by Lech Blaine
Shifty's Boys review: Everyman thriller with a slice of rural noir

Shifty's Boys review: Everyman thriller with a slice of rural noir
The Moose Paradox: Toys, trouble and top storytelling

The Moose Paradox: Toys, trouble and top storytelling
Yuval Noah Harari: 'We are living inside the dreams of dead people'

Yuval Noah Harari: 'We are living inside the dreams of dead people'
David Aguilar: Forget pity, I needed to change perceptions of disability

David Aguilar: Forget pity, I needed to change perceptions of disability
Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Christmas message from the stars

Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Christmas message from the stars
Our Daily Bread: Father Alex Frost says it's not just prayer we need to tackle poverty

Our Daily Bread: Father Alex Frost says it's not just prayer we need to tackle poverty
Top 5 books about the power of music, chosen by Adriana Barton

Top 5 books about the power of music, chosen by Adriana Barton
Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta by James Hannaham: Utterly alive

Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta by James Hannaham: Utterly alive
1000 Coils of Fear by Olivia Wenzel: Is a novel the best format for this story?

1000 Coils of Fear by Olivia Wenzel: Is a novel the best format for this story?
Top 5 books for Latin lovers, chosen by Harry Mount

Top 5 books for Latin lovers, chosen by Harry Mount
Identitti review: A highly original take on the perils of idolising your heroes

Identitti review: A highly original take on the perils of idolising your heroes
Mogwai guitarist Stuart Braithwaite: 'Music can make dreams come true'

Mogwai guitarist Stuart Braithwaite: 'Music can make dreams come true'
Seven Empty Houses review: Dread sneaks like a cursed gift through its pages

Seven Empty Houses review: Dread sneaks like a cursed gift through its pages
Limberlost review: What nature can teach a boy about a man

Limberlost review: What nature can teach a boy about a man
How Lisa Gray found magic in forgotten spools of mystery film

How Lisa Gray found magic in forgotten spools of mystery film
A Book of Days review: A glimpse into the wonderful world of Patti Smith

A Book of Days review: A glimpse into the wonderful world of Patti Smith
Top 5 books by contemporary Northern Irish writers