It will rankle me for life that I never met Leonard Cohen but my dog did.
What happened was we were rehearsing for a tour, I think it was possibly 2006. We were at a rehearsal place for a few weeks then we went off on the tour and it just so happened that Leonard Cohen took over our rehearsal room the day after we left.
The girl who worked at the front desk would occasionally house-sit and dog-sit for me, so I left Bobby Jr with her. He had been coming with me to rehearsals every day – he was that type of dog – he was like a person who could just hang out. And so he became part of the family at the rehearsal place over those three weeks that we rehearsed.
I have puppies now and they are a constant reminder that Bobby was the perfect dog
Bobby was still there but I was gone when Leonard Cohen came in and apparently Leonard and Bobby really hit it off. He would come out of the rehearsal room on a regular basis just to pet Bob and talk to him and stuff.

I was only gone a couple of days and I get this photo sent to me of my dog with Leonard Cohen and I’m like, what the fuck? They look so happy. That hurts. You’re 100 miles away already and he’s like, ‘Look I’ve replaced you with the greatest artist ever’. It hurts on so many levels.