Social media is a fickle mistress. One minute its cast of millions are telling us that we’re fat and pointless if we don’t do a 21-day yoga shred followed by a cleansing detox and a bowl of bone broth, the next it’s all about how you can only love others if you love yourself. Look! All these other people love themselves so why don’t you, you complete IDIOT?
The idea of self-love and self-care is currently rampant on the internet, and of course, like most online health fads, it’s popular because almost anyone can proclaim themselves a self-expert.
The great thing about self-care is that it can be conveniently attached to almost anything a human being can do, from brushing your teeth or wearing a hat to eating an entire Meat Lover’s pizza with your fists.
What self-care advisors often overlook, though, is that TV is a very important tool for looking after yourself.
Yes, there’s nothing like the soothing linear majesty of crap TV shows to help ease anxiety and depression. They are indeed a form of meditation, and watching them should be practised daily to alleviate the pressures of modern life. Here are some common examples, but feel free to add your favourites to your own self-care routine. Namaste.
Problem: Low self-esteem
Antidote: Flog It (BBC2)
Theory: You might feel an unshakeable sense that you are not living your best life, or indeed ticking anything off that bucket list. However, simply spend half an hour with the boring, ruddy cheeked fleece wearers on Flog It as they buy worthless nests of tables, and you will feel really good about yourself.