‘Karen Pirie is a three-part ITV crime drama series based on the legendary Scottish author Val McDermid’s novel, The Distant Echo. Rosie Duff, a university student was murdered in 1996. At the time of the crime, three university students who discovered the body were prime suspects but a lack of evidence led to the dismissal of the case. Twenty-five years later, the case is at the centre of a crime podcast and has been reopened. Can detective Karen Pirie finally unravel the truth?
Scottish actress Lauren Lyle, best known for portraying Marsali in Outlander, takes the lead for the first time in her career.
“I feel honoured,” she says. “I never thought I’d get to do it in my twenties. It was my first time leading a show, and there’s a lot of responsibility that comes with that.”
Lyle recognises that it’s often brooding older men who are at the centre of crime dramas.
“We’ve always seen a male-dominated police point of view,” she says. “I don’t think we’ve ever seen a young female detective in her twenties. It’s a lot more hopeful, exciting and driven.
“We see it through a different, compassionate lens. A view of someone that it could happen to. She understands the dangers and reality of why these things often aren’t solved or aren’t listened to and where the victim blaming goes on.