Young men are taking their own lives in staggering numbers.
This is not breaking news. Suicide remains a bigger killer than heart disease, cancer and road accidents for men aged between 20 and 49 in Britain.
I don’t know why that is. In fact, nobody really knows. Various reasons have been put forward: a rise in a certain modern toxic masculinity where corrupted ideas of an alpha male perpetuate an unattainable myth; social media growth that has led to increased isolation and a lack of human interaction; dramatic cuts in mental healthcare provision, withdrawing access to essential help for those who need it most; hopelessness due to rising levels of poverty.
I have a son who is just 11. He is a happy boy and he is really good fun to hang out with. I’m lucky he’s still happy to chat, a lot, to his dad. I know the hard knock of puberty is not too far away. And it’s uncertain where it’ll carry him across those adolescent years and beyond.
But I know that I will make it clear I will be there, come what may. That if darkness or confusion or anger grips, I will be within reach. The same goes for friends and anybody close who needs that at the darkest hour.
That’s not to say that those who see no other way out didn’t have support networks around. Frequently families are doing everything they can. It’s crucial that more properly funded research and support is put into this devastating scourge of society. And that mental health funding in the NHS is lifted to the levels needed.
For now, there is this from Lorna Fraser, an advisor from The Samaritans who worked on the Coronation Street story: “One of the most important things that this storyline covers is the importance of talking if you are struggling to cope – talk to somebody, don’t suffer in silence, there’s always help out there.”
She added that the opposite was also true. “If there’s somebody that you’re worried about – if somebody doesn’t really seem themselves, talk to them about it. Ask them if they’re OK.”
We must listen. We must speak. We must be there.
The Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123
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