It is the EXCLUSIVE NOEL GALLAGHER INTERVIEW that has got the world talking, Oasis fans hoping for a reunion, and the Gallagher siblings arguing yet again.
When our man Sam Delaney sat down with Noel Gallagher for this week’s cover story, we expected fireworks and fighting talk. We got that and much more besides. It’s on sale now.
But what has the extraordinary interview taught us about Noel’s view of the state of the nation, his relationship with his brother Liam, and the chance of Oasis ever playing together again?
1) The Oasis reunion could be on…
“Well it could [happen]. Of course it could,” Noel told us. “But there would have to be an extraordinary set of circumstances… I left the band 10 years ago. I think I’ve seen him twice in 10 years and both times we nearly ended up in a fight for no reason. I can’t envisage the morning I wake up and think I’d like to spend two years on the road, arguing all around the world with Liam.”

2) … but only if Liam takes a Twitter break
“He’d put his whole life on hold to get Oasis back together,” continued Noel. “But every tweet he sends out its another nail in the coffin of that idea. If you think for one minute I am going to share a stage with you after what you’ve said you are fucking more of a moron than you look.”
Explore The First Noel collection on The Big Issue Shop

3) … which is looking unlikely
Judging by this Tweet in response to Noel’s comments, Liam will not stop crying his heart out on Twitter.