The marvellous Stan Lee – The man who changed the universe
Issue 1187

Stan Lee has been one of pop culture’s creative powerhouses for more than two generations. As the man behind Spiderman, The Hulk, Captain America and dozens of other beloved characters, he has fired imaginations, and made billions for Hollywood studios. He tells Steven Mackenzie about the propaganda group he worked with in the Second World War alongside people like Frank Capra and Dr Seuss, and details of what he’s got planned next. Mark Millar, a man who himself knows a thing or two about creating incredible new worlds, explains why he believes Lee is more important than Walt Disney.
Our Letter To My Younger Self is with a different sort of pop culture powerhouse, Jools Holland. With an interest in ecclesiastical architecture, the pianoman is a keen medievalist. Likeable and funny, the shadow of his father follows him.
John Bird this week looks at sugar, diet and the necessity of prevention in maintaining health – not a word that is popular just now.
Brendan O’Neill returns. Though no fan of Jeremy Corbyn, Brendan is so fed up with “anti-Corbyn crybabies sitting mopey-faced beneath their framed pictures of Blair” that he’s coming out in support of the Labour leader. They’re all missing the point, he says – “What is Labour for in a largely post-class, post-industrial era?”
Our featured vendor is Darren Roberts who sells in Canterbury town centre. He was a farm worker until the farm went bust and he ended up on the streets. He is a big Hawkwind and Motörhead fan, mourning the loss of Lemmy.
We also pay tribute to our man Gareth Raymond, a very popular vendor in Brighton who sadly died on New Year’s Day. Many tributes have been paid and messages of condolence left at his pitch.
There is more on our growing Fill ’Em Up campaign; comedian Ed Byrne rhapsodises about Munro-bagging; and author Stephane Heuet tries to make Proust accessible to all.