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Master The Big Issue task

Issue 1431

Master The Big Issue task

Alex Horne, creator of hit TV show Taskmaster, has set Big Issue readers a special challenge. Buying the magazine is the easiest thing in the world, he says, so now you have to encourage as many people as possible to go out and get their own copy. Time starts as soon as the magazine hits the streets on Monday!

Furlough is ending, what next?

Continuing our RORA campaign to help safeguard people’s jobs and livelihoods, we offer advice to people who may find themselves in a precarious position.

An exclusive Big Issue playlist

Acclaimed pianist Alexis Ffrench has recorded a series of songs especially for Big Issue readers to sooth and inspire. Details of how to watch the videos inside the mag!

Also inside…

  • The Covid crisis is a crisis of care, say the Care Collective, who have collectively written a piece explaining why they have put together a Care Manifesto
  • This week’s Letter To My Younger Self is frequent period drama star Rupert Graves. When thinking about the upcoming interview, and how he wished he could give his troubled younger self some helpful advice, he literally saw a poster at a railway station saying ‘Help is out there Rupert’, pointing out that Rupert isn’t exactly a common name. Strange but true.
  • Vendor expert Martin gives us more wheelie great tips on fixing our bikes, and Gary in My Pitch shares his excitement at moving into a new flat at the end of the month.
  • And in Fact/Fiction: are men with deep voices more likely to be unfaithful?

Plus much more!

The latest Big Issue magazine is available now, from vendors all over the UK. If you’re unable to reach your local vendor, you can still subscribe to receive the magazine directly to your door or purchase through the Big Issue app.

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