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  • Power to the people! Creative activism – How to do stuff and change things, with Mark Thomas and more

Power to the people! Creative activism – How to do stuff and change things, with Mark Thomas and more

Issue 1207

Power to the people! Creative activism – How to do stuff and change things, with Mark Thomas and more

Signing petitions is all well and good, but it’s not going to move mountains. Across the UK there is a growing movement of people taking back control of neglected buildings, derelict wastegrounds and languishing communities, and transforming them into places folk where want to live, work and play. It doesn’t need masses of funding or giant heroic gestures – just hard graft, a bit of time, and lots of commitment. Adrian Lobb digs in, with some pointers from Mark Thomas.

For a few months in the ’80s, Half Man Half Biscuit were outselling The Smiths. Their star may have faded, but their endurance, and that of their devotees tells the story of a wonderfully British obsession. Amongst the gems in this great on-the-road piece by Peter Ross is the pair of fans who are determined to travel to all the places Half Man Half Biscuit mention in their songs – only for the band to add the names of ever-more obscure places in new songs. It’s a delight.

Our Letter To My Younger Self is with writing behemoth Salman Rushdie. Amusing about claims made by recent ex-wives, he is also honest and open about the problems the fatwa brought for his son. A must-read.

John Bird, meanwhile, looks at delayed gratification and why it must be considered in dealing with poverty.

Brendan O’Neill considers the rise of atheism and says that (as an atheist himself) it is all very well, but wouldn’t it be better to celebrate believing in something.

Our featured vendor this week is Estera, who sells in Harborne, Birmingham. She’s working to make the next step – a permanent job in a shop is the aim.

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