Saving football
Issue 1525

Fantastic fan tactics
As greed and financial mismanagement have put Premier League clubs in debt, and season ticket prices shut out supporters, stories of clubs run by the fans for the fans are bringing hope back to football.
Gordon Brown
The former Prime Minister warns about the poverty time-bomb ticking across the country as the government does too little to protect people this autumn. He outlines what needs to happen now in an exclusive column.
P.P. Arnold
The soul singer sang about the first cut being the deepest. In a Letter To My Younger Self, P.P. Arnold talks about some of the many traumas she’s had to overcome throughout her life and career.
Paul Weller’s school report
A new exhibition curated by Paul Weller’s sister Nicky gives a unique insight into the The Jam and The Style Council. From a talent show trophy from 1972 to a report updating us on young Paul’s progress in maths.
And Nottingham vendor Tony talks about how being in care from the age of six months to 18 influenced the rest of his life.
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