In almost any corner of the country you’re going to find something special. You don’t have to go far in Britain to get into lovely open countryside, in almost any corner you’re going to find something special.
If you’re looking for a place to go and explore start with the New Forest [below]. Forest doesn’t necessarily mean trees, it’s an old hunting reserve so there are open areas too, heathland and forest, but it has a special atmosphere, the light is good there.
It has a special atmosphere, the light is good there
It’s big enough to get lost in but it’s not so harsh that you’re going to come to any harm without special training. But you do need a compass and a map. Take a pair of binoculars, find a beautiful tree, sit down under it and wait – let the nature come to you.

The weather is no excuse. I like bad weather as much as the good. When I was a kid I used to go out in the bad weather deliberately because there would be no one else about and it felt like everywhere was mine. That’s always stayed with me.
I was born to be in wild places, that’s where I feel most alive. I don’t mind getting lost because I’m exploring something new and I feel completely comfortable and I know how to take care of myself. That’s the magic of having developed these skills – I feel at home when I go to wild places.
You don’t wear a badge that says I’m into bush craft, it’s invisible – except for the special light that’s in the person’s eyes.