If bills are included, make sure this is clearly stated in your tenancy agreement. This can save you the hassle of setting them up yourself, but it might also mean you’re paying extra for the convenience. Always compare the total cost to see if it’s a good deal.
Some tenancy agreements state a figure for how much water and energy your rent payments cover, known as a fair usage clause. This means your landlord or letting agent could charge you more if you use more than your contract says you can.
A building service charge is required for some homes, covering repairs and upkeep of communal areas. In private rent the landlord usually charges the tenant for it, then pays the service charge using that money. In many cases it’s included in rent.
Who pays utility bills in a shared house?
Living in a shared house can be a balancing act when it comes to bills. Generally, tenants split the cost of utilities evenly, but this needs to be agreed upon by everyone.
It’s best to start by nominating a bill payer – one person taking responsibility for setting up and paying the bills will make the process smoother. They can then collect money from everyone else each month.
Alternatively, you could set up a joint bank account for household expenses. This way, everyone can contribute their share, and the bills can be paid directly from this account.
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Apps like Splitwise or Monzo can help keep track of who owes what and make splitting bills easier.
How to set up a water bill
Find your water supplier
Setting up your water bill is usually straightforward. Start by finding your water supplier – these are region-specific in the UK. Check Water UK, or ask your landlord.
Once you know your supplier, give them a call or visit their website to set up your account. You’ll need to provide your address, the date you moved in, and your personal details.
Provide a meter reading (if applicable)
If your property has a water meter, you’ll need to provide an initial reading. This helps ensure you’re only charged for the water you use. If there’s no meter, your bill will be based on a mix of factors such as a flat rate from the supplier, an estimation of how much water would be used based on home size and number of occupants, or a percentage of what your home was previously considered to be worth in letting costs.
Set up payment
You can choose to pay your water bill monthly, quarterly, or annually. Setting up a direct debit is often the easiest option to ensure you never miss a payment, though it depends on the type of meter you have.
Water charges are included in council tax payments for most people in Scotland, unless your home has a water meter.
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How to set up gas and electricity
Setting up gas and electric can be a bit more involved, but it’s manageable by following a few quick steps. Don’t forget to find the fuse box and trip switch as soon as possible, if your landlord hasn’t already shown you – that knowledge could come in handy if you find yourself suddenly without power.
Find your current supplier
Your landlord or letting agent should be able to tell you who the current energy suppliers are for your property. Alternatively, check the previous bills if they’re available.
Take meter readings
On the day you move in, take meter readings for both gas and electricity. This ensures you’re only billed for the energy you use from that point onwards.
People who might struggle to read the meter, such as disabled or elderly people, can ask their supplier to send a member of staff to your home who will read it for you.
The Priority Services Register is a free scheme which provides extra support for customers who are vulnerable or might need a little additional help managing their utilities.
Get in touch with the current suppliers to set up your accounts. You’ll need to provide your address, move-in date, and the meter readings.
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Shop around for a better deal
Remember you’re not obligated to stay with the current suppliers. Use comparison websites like Uswitch or MoneySuperMarket to find a better deal. Switching suppliers is usually free and can save you money.
If you’re responsible for paying bills, you don’t need to ask for your landlord or letting agent’s permission before switching suppliers.
Set up payment
As with water, you can typically choose to pay monthly, quarterly, or annually. Direct debit is the most convenient option, depending on what type of meter you have.
Remember to check your meter
Before you get started on arranging any type of utility, it’s important to find out which kind of meter you have.
Most people have a standard credit meter, which means you’ll pay the bill monthly or quarterly. But some homes have a prepayment meter, which means you have to pay for what you use in advance and that if the meter runs out, you could be cut off from water or energy.
Some suppliers offer smart meters in certain areas, which send readings automatically and make it easier to monitor your usage. They’re a good option for the most part and used in more than half of homes, but you must regularly check it’s still working – faulty smart meters have caused problems for millions of Brits, according to analysis by Citizens Advice after the organisation surveyed 4,000 consumers in 2023. Some meters have failed to send automatic readings, landing some people with eye-watering bills months later.
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It happened to 71-year-old Franc Kolar, a van driver near Wakefield. “I switched suppliers because my old company’s smart meter didn’t work in my cellar,” he said. “Occasionally I got a text from the new supplier asking if I can send a manual meter reading, but I thought it was probably just a standard reminder message sent to all their customers. I didn’t send readings because I was promised their smart meters were absolutely spot-on.
“Eventually I thought: ‘What if? ‘I’d better give them a reading, just in case’ and so I did it. I suddenly got a bill saying I was £4,700 behind. I couldn’t believe it. I was shocked. I’d been paying my bills all along but they were estimated. I’ve been paying back £450-600 every month for a good couple of years now.”
Does my landlord have to show me the utility bill?
In most cases, if you’re responsible for paying utilities directly to the supplier, your landlord isn’t required to show you the bills. However if your rent includes utility costs, your landlord should provide you with a breakdown of these costs upon request.
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