Big Issue staff have paid tribute to popular Cardiff vendor Maurice Richards after he sadly died on Monday April 20.
The 60-year-old, who worked on his Charles Street pitch in the city centre, had been in ill-health for some time. The cause of his death has not been confirmed at this time.
Maurice started selling the magazine in December 2015 and will be sorely missed by his friends, customers and those who worked with him.
Maurice previously worked on a building site but emphysema meant he was forced to stop and he turned to The Big Issue to earn a living when his statutory sick pay meant that he was unable to keep up with his rent.

But he soon saw selling the magazine “as a way of life,” said Big Issue Cymru sales and operations manager Tom Watts.
“He took to selling The Big Issue immediately and quickly established himself on his pitch,” Tom added. “Until he became unwell last year he could be found on his pitch seven days a week.