In 1940 we faced a formidable enemy that could if more single-minded have annexed us to their evil empire. They didn’t and the dictator came to rue the day that he did not kick us and walk all over us when we were down.
Now 77 years later we are potentially down as we wait before the gates of Europe with our pleas to treat us nicely. We can’t remind them that they owe this beautiful post-war realm of their plenty to an alliance between Russia, the US and us, and bugger all to do with their own efforts; because to remind them is to be reactionary and harping on about the past.

But we stand in a crippling world full of threats, as in 1940, and we have a need to strike a deal with people who are not impressed with the numbers who voted to exit their club.
Their ever-changing club that started as a free-trade regime and ended up as a regime-changing club: for the UK has changed unrecognisably. Now cap in hand, or nonchalantly, depending on our stance, we negotiate through the perils and wrath of our European masters. They can sustain us or constrain us, depending on the deal.
The community may exist in all of its vitality but if the municipal masters see differently then the community can take a running jump
The fact that the lights nearly stayed out all over Europe nearly eight decades ago, if it were not for our separateness, our sea walls and island mentality, will not win brownie points. It’s all about the trough now, not how it could have been.
I would suggest to the masters of Europe, bear in mind that many of us did not vote to leave. And that a vast part of those that voted to leave was because 44 years of Europe did not refresh all the parts of our sceptred isle. And that many people who voted to leave saw the club as for others rather than themselves.