Policy direction over the past 20 years has led to the creation of a world-leading offshore wind cluster on the Humber – with world-leading farms operated and maintained from Grimsby and ever longer blades built in Hull.
Two proud port communities that once vied for the title of the biggest UK fishing port, now unified in serving the biggest offshore wind farms. Proud to have a first to their name again, for too long having wallowed in the slow death by 1,000 fillet knife incisions from quota cuts and fishing exclusion zones of eras gone by.

‘Third generation unemployed fishermen’ became a thing when there was almost a badge of deprivation to be had and there was a sense that benefits culture had hit an all-time high. Remember the Skint TV series? Even Sacha Baron Cohen of Ali G fame had a pop with the movie Grimsby – filmed for the most part in Tilbury, Essex. This self-given label for pervading worklessness was all the more galling as so many had never stepped foot on a vessel. Now, well into a second decade of delivery on the Humber, aspirations have been raised. Mates and masters are required, engineers and technicians in their droves.
Now offshore wind has overflowed to the larger neighbouring commercial dock, the regional airport and other quays around the estuary and up and down the East Coast. All is backed up by expanding pockets of engineering and logistics.
It has created thousands of local jobs. People I went to school with, have previously worked with, played football and cricket with. The legacy of the maritime skills and infrastructure, and acute awareness of the need for immediacy – with a trawler in dock not earning – transferring to a turbine not spinning – wowed developers, and still does.
And the appetite has cascaded into education, with applications soaring for roles in the sector, be it offshore technicians or blade building. Reform UK say they want to work for the regions of the UK that have been ‘left behind’ by the Westminster elites, but their assault on renewables and outright climate denialism could destroy one of the few areas for genuine growth and development we have going for the Humber region. Their policy to tax renewables could decimate a thriving industry, putting thousands of jobs at risk.