The disproportionate exclusion of Caribbean-origin children from schools mirrors a more deep seated and profoundly damaging exclusion of these children and their parents’ identity, history, culture, and contribution to Britain from the curriculum of the British school system.
Low academic expectations and disrespect for their identity, culture and history all lead to rebellion. Some rebel by “shutting down”. Those who rebel by “acting out” soon find themselves excluded; victims, now, of a “double exclusion” policy.
There is a thread which connects the killing of Stephen Lawrence and the way the case was handled by the police, the more recent Grenfell Tower fire in all its dimensions, the public lynching of George Floyd (and the constant extra-judicial killings of black people in the USA) and the electric response globally to his televised murder – and also the launch of the “Black Lives Matter” movement by three remarkable Black American women.
Let’s face it, it is not unreasonable to expect lasting psychological damage resulting from centuries of the violent capture, transport, sale, enslavement and violent brutalisation of fellow human beings; the colonisation of other peoples’ lands and the genocides which accompanied this process (North America, Central and Southern Africa, Australia etc), and Colonial Rule of Black and Brown peoples worldwide.
It is reasonable to believe that it would leave a mark on the collective psyche for many generations. Race-based rationalisations, assumptions, belief systems of the dominant ethnic groups which engaged in these activities over such an extended period would be inevitable.
Put another way, it would be extraordinary if doctrines of white supremacy, of the inherent inferiority of Black people, did not become embedded in the overwhelmingly unconscious socialisation process of Europeans wherever they live. Such influences on most people’s thinking would be unconscious and would be consciously repudiated by most; genuinely so.
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This is what connects the Stephen Lawrences, George Floyds, Grenfell Tower residents, and all the other persons and events together
This is why, 50 years after the “ESN Scandal” was exposed, the substance but not the forms of the educational suppression of Caribbean-origin children remains.
The administrators, the educational psychologists, principals, teachers, government ministers and their civil servants of the 1950s, 60s and 70s are no more, replaced several times by new generations in these positions. Yet the fundamental policies and practices have remained unchanged. Only the specific devices for their execution have changed, adapting creatively to maintain the system of educational suppression against the periodic assaults on it by the suppressed, the oppressed.
THIS is the definition and illustration of what SYSTEMIC RACISM is: when generations of people running a system come and go, but the results remain largely unchanged. This is what connects the Stephen Lawrences, George Floyds, Grenfell Tower residents, and all the other persons and events together by one thread.
It is time to consciously and definitively break the generational curse. It is more than time for people of all ethnicities to unite to smash this phenomenon. The brazen lynching of George Floyd ignited a fuse which saw literally millions of white Americans joining the demonstrations in numbers never before seen in America.
“Black Lives Matter” has become a global clarion call, not just an American movement. It is time to openly tackle and defeat systemic racism (not just openly racist actions) in all its manifestations!
Steve McQueen’s Small Axe anthology, and his new BBC documentary Subnormal: A British Scandal are major contributions in the raising of consciousness of all who absorb these extraordinary films.
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Bernard Coard is a writer, politician and author of the 1972 booklet ‘How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Sub-normal in the British School System: The Scandal of the Black Child in Schools in Britain.’
Subnormal: A British Scandal airs on BBC One, 20th May, 9pm