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Nearly 100 MPs earned more than £10,000 as landlords in the last 12 months
Nearly 100 MPs earned more than £10,000 as landlords in the last 12 months
Responsible landlords need confidence in Tory renting reforms to prevent homelessness
Responsible landlords need confidence in Tory renting reforms to prevent homelessness
London mayor Sadiq Khan: 'What would I do if I saw someone stealing nappies? Take my wallet out and pay'
London mayor Sadiq Khan: 'What would I do if I saw someone stealing nappies? Take my wallet out and pay'
We have no long-term housing plan. Here's why the Church of England is stepping up to fix it
We have no long-term housing plan. Here's why the Church of England is stepping up to fix it
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: 'We need to end short-termism to fix the housing crisis'
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: 'We need to end short-termism to fix the housing crisis'
Home Office whistleblower reveals 'shame' of working on 'crackpot Tory' plan to criminalise homelessness
Home Office whistleblower reveals 'shame' of working on 'crackpot Tory' plan to criminalise homelessness
Austerity has pushed young homeless people to back of queue for help. The government must act
Austerity has pushed young homeless people to back of queue for help. The government must act
Emmerdale star Alexander Lincoln: 'When people lose their house, they can lose their humanity'
Emmerdale star Alexander Lincoln: 'When people lose their house, they can lose their humanity'
No-fault evictions put households at risk of homelessness over 80,000 times since Tory ban pledge
No-fault evictions put households at risk of homelessness over 80,000 times since Tory ban pledge
What we can learn from how US has criminalised rough sleepers – and how Sunak may follow suit
What we can learn from how US has criminalised rough sleepers – and how Sunak may follow suit
'It's unforgivable': Michael Gove served 'eviction notice' by protesters over rising homelessness
'It's unforgivable': Michael Gove served 'eviction notice' by protesters over rising homelessness
My cousin was killed in front of his six-year-old son. I need to get my family out of Gaza
My cousin was killed in front of his six-year-old son. I need to get my family out of Gaza
Criminal Justice Bill: Plan to criminalise rough sleeping will 'punish people with nowhere to go'
Criminal Justice Bill: Plan to criminalise rough sleeping will 'punish people with nowhere to go'
Inside the Big Issue: Zayn Malik on his return to music, Bradford and making positive change
Inside the Big Issue: Zayn Malik on his return to music, Bradford and making positive change
'Everyone has a story': Watch The Beautiful Game stars explain why Homeless World Cup is so important
'Everyone has a story': Watch The Beautiful Game stars explain why Homeless World Cup is so important
'People should not be arrested if they smell': Sunak facing revolt over plan to criminalise homelessness
'People should not be arrested if they smell': Sunak facing revolt over plan to criminalise homelessness
Local housing allowance is finally going up. But is it anything more than just a short-term fix?
Local housing allowance is finally going up. But is it anything more than just a short-term fix?
Care worker faced homelessness as low pay left her with 'nothing' to fall back on
Care worker faced homelessness as low pay left her with 'nothing' to fall back on
ONS U-turns on plan to stop publishing data on deaths of homeless people after furious outcry
ONS U-turns on plan to stop publishing data on deaths of homeless people after furious outcry
Housing crisis: UK could raise billion taxing vacant homes and foreign buyers, think tank says